No.196 Skirlie

Scots love of oats is well known. This is a traditional side normally favoured in the south of Scotland, compared with mealies in the north. It’s a fairly basic recipe as it is an old dish and my only advice is that you do need to take your time as you don’t want to burn your oats.

Serves: 4-5

Time: 30 minutes

Difficulty: Straight forward

200g of oatmeal

100g of Beef Dripping

1 Onion

Salt and Pepper

1. Thinly slice the onion and add to large frying pan with dripping. Cook for 5-10 minutes till softened.

2. Add the oatmeal and cook for 20 minutes on a low heat stirring every few minutes

3. Salt and pepper to taste and the serve.

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